If you run a restaurant, you likely consider the contents of your grease trap to be just one more item on your long list of things to take care of each day. Still, this simple and important task deserves much more attention than you might have originally intended to give it. Grease traps are an important part of any restaurant's infrastructure. Their maintenance is quite easy to do with several advantages to save you money in the long run. Here are reasons why grease trap maintenance should be high on your priority list in your restaurant.

1. Avoid Health Code Violations

Preventing and managing grease traps or grease collection systems is vital for restaurants that want to maintain proper health codes and avoid fines from local authorities. If you want to avoid fines and stay on top of sanitation laws, regularly schedule professional grease trap maintenance service. Avoid health code violations and bad publicity by investing in this exercise.

2. Avoid Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Blockages for Efficient Disposal

Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) present the biggest challenge for any business that handles food preparation in bulk. These compounds are unsightly and dangerous when they back up into your pipes. 

A blocked drain can cause serious damage to your plumbing system, which will result in costly repairs or even the replacement of pipes and fixtures. The best way to avoid these problems is to do regular grease collection to keep the plumbing efficient.

3. Avoids Sewerage Clearing Costs 

Unlike other types of material, grease does not break down in the water. Rather, it floats until it reaches your local sewerage pipes, which will then send it on to be treated by specialists at an expense to you. 

However, if you use a grease trap maintenance service, you can ensure that all grease is recycled and never makes its way into these pipes. This will help avoid pricey sewage clearing costs over time.

4. Promote Environmental Sustainability With FOG Recycling

FOG waste can be recycled into biodiesel, which could help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. You'll also help protect local water sources from contamination by preventing grease from entering sewer systems. By recycling FOG instead of sending it to landfills, you'll help prevent soil pollution.

5. Promote Productivity With a Clean Workplace

A clean work environment is essential for high productivity, so it's important to have your grease trap serviced regularly. It keeps your employees safe and makes sure that you don't have accidents or ailments in the workplace related to FOG disposal. 

Proper waste disposal is essential for any restaurant to ensure compliance with the law and promote better business productivity; it should be a priority. Call a grease trap maintenance service to schedule this task. 
